First Aid at Work – FAAW

Three day HSE Compliant Course 

The ‘big daddy’ of first aid courses, first aid at work is a nationally recognised certificate. Packed with practical, we’ll get you super confident to deal with emergencies both in and out of the workplace. We’ll have loads of time to look at specific injuries, illnesses and conditions so that you’re super prepped – just in case!


High risk and large workplaces, especially those with machinery or lots of manual work.

However, people with a personal interest in first aid always really enjoy this course too!


  • Emergency Actions
  • Child, Infant & Adult Basic Life Support (CPR)
  • Child, Infant & Adult Choking
  • How to use a defib (AED)
  • Head, Neck & Back Injuries
  • Asthma, Panic Attacks, Drowning & Fumes
  • Unconsciousness & Recovery Position
  • Heart Attacks, Shock, Electrical Shock & Anaphylaxis
  • Bleeding, Wounds & Burns
  • Injuries to the Bones, Muscles & Joints
  • Concussion, Seizures/Fitting & Diabetes
  • Meningitis
  • First Aider Responsibilities
  • Plus lots more!


  • This course is also Health & Safety Executive (HSE) compliant.
  • Each delegate will get a certificate valid for three years.
  • Each delegate will also get a free workbook, and a copy of our user-friendly manual ‘The Good First Aid Guide’ to keep.
  • This course is a fun and interactive workshop, with lots of time for practice and questions. There are no formal tests, we’ll assess the course in a relaxed and non-threatening way!

Total cost for this course, for up to 6 delegates, is £1200.

Total cost for this course, for up to 12 delegates, is £1400.